Behind the scenes: Had a chance to get creative for this month’s #casmegumbo experience!!💙💙Are you ready?!
This Song🎶 “OUTTA THIS WORLD” will feature the fabulous & funny @rigaruby ! 😁
Tickets on sale now to watch my R&B Gumbo Visual Album & Live Concert w/ my Band on March 31st! Link in my bio!
Pls Support our sponsors @nolasgotit @jazzandheritagefoundation @juston03 @frootorleans @gathernchill @bbkingsnola @thepettyshoppe @media_seauxcray @round_2_reloaded @zcolonics @letsliveradio @bamm_marketing @cazzybrand @dotkcollection @dotkmag @ikandyland @selahart_expressions